Margarita Iribarren Ingelhammar
Born in Argentina (1978).
Art school studies between 1997-2000 at University Martin Malharro,
Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires).
Moved to Spain in 2001, where I met my Swedish husband in 2006.
Live in Gothenburg, Sweden since 2008, where I work full time with my art.
Art and drawing has always been a part of my life, which is why I decided at a very young age to devote myself to painting and illustrating. For me, it's a lot more than just a job or a call, it's a way of living, where creation is necessary for a sense of freedom and realisation. My career as an artist is an ongoing process that is created and shaped by life itself and its challenges. I continue to discover new courses of action that accompanies my own development. The source of my inspiration comes from daily impressions like views, smells, music and life. Through a dialog between shapes, colors and textures, I treat these impressions to give them a physical manifestation through paintings which often strive for a vivid visual expression.
1998: Dublin Esquel - Argentina
1999: 7° Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Instituto Italiano di cultura - Buenos Aires, Argentina
1999: SAAP - Esquel, Argentina
2004: Nouvelle - Malaga, Spain
2009: Space - Göteborg, Sweden
2011: Fête de l’art - Göteborg, Sweden
2014: Gallery UNIART - Göteborg, Sweden
2016: Centro Cultural Melipal - Esquel Argentina
2018: Galleri Anohaao - Göteborg
2018: Astra Zeneca - Mölndal (Konstförening)
2018: Hogia - Stenungsund (Konstförening)
2018: Tjörns Bibliotek
2019: Kunstmaand Ameland - Netherlands
Collaborative Exhibitions:
2011: Kronhuset - Göteborg, Sweden
2014: Fête de l’art - Göteborg, Sweden
2014: Gallery Athena - Drammen, Norway
2015: Centro Cultural Melipal - Esquel Argentina
2017: Röda Sten - Göteborg. (Konstrundan i Majorna)
2017: Skatteverket - Göteborg (Konstförening)
2017: 10 Små Hus - Stenungsund (Konstrunda)
2017: Galleri Majnabbe - Göteborg (Decembersalong)
2018: Sista Fixen - Fixfabriken, Majorna, Göteborg
2018: Galleri Majnabbe - Göteborg (Vårsalong)
2018: Röda Sten - Göteborg. (Konstrundan i Majorna)
2018: Higab - Göteborg (Konstförening)
2019: Röda Sten - Göteborg. (Konstrundan i Majorna)
2019: Galleri Majnabbe - Göteborg (Vårsalong)
2020: Vårsalong - Landskrona Konsthall
2020: Galleri Majnabbe - Göteborg (Konstrundan i Majorna)
2020: Konstepidemin - Göteborg
2021: Galleri Majnabbe - Göteborg (Konstrundan i Majorna)
2023: Galleri Majnabbe - Göteborg (Vårsalong)
2023: Göteborgs Auktionsverk - Göteborg (Konstrundan i Majorna)
2023: Göteborgs Konsthall - Göteborg (Jag föreställer mig ett hem)
2017: Tv Serie Alex - Collaboration Art department.
2019: Collaboration with Gothenburg University - Illustration for bookcover.